Welcome to Kansas

Welcome to Kansas

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lovely Weather

It is now February 1st, and the temperature has been in the 60's today, yesterday, and Monday. I left work at 6pm yesterday, and I didn't even need a jacket! I almost thought I was back in Arizona, but then I remembered there are no beautiful mountains or palm trees, just dead trees and grass.....and Kansans.

I think this is Mother Nature's attempt to try to get me to like Kansas......must.....fight.....getting....weaker.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Books are for schmooks

Apparently Kansas doesn't like to reed. There are no Barnes and Noble (yes, folks, there is a town of 87,000 people that doesn't have a Barnes and Noble in it), and the Borders closed down a few months ago.

What am I thinking?! I can always go to the Christian bookstore downtown, where "How Obama is ruining America" is a best-seller.

And surprise, surprise, they don't have what I want at the KU library, unless I was hoping to read something from 1963.