Welcome to Kansas

Welcome to Kansas

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy? Hour

So a while ago my friends and I (yes, I have friends) went to Applebee's for happy hour (after 9pm, of course). Traditionally, at every Applebee's I have ever been to, during happy hour both the alcoholic beverages and the appetizers are half off. Believe it or not, I have been to "Happlebees" in multiple states.
Well guess what, folks- there was NO half-priced drinks deal during the happy hour at the Applebees in Lawrence, KS. Yes, I know, it makes me outraged too.
So they're not encouraging drinking in a college town, or they're just cheap? Maybe they think they're being "wholesome".
Generally I get krunked on $3 appletinis, but they try to get away with charging me $6. How absurd.
Lawrence Applebees, don't you know we're still in a recession. I need to drink to kill the pain, and I don't have very much money to pay for it. AND I'm a student, so double whammy.

Kansas, you're such a buzz kill.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Ok, Kansas Folks:

We already established you don't know how to drive in snowy weather. I'm going to give you a little Snow Driving 101 tip:


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SNOWPOCALYPSE (sarcasm alert is red-orange)

When listening to the radio today, I heard a listener call in to describe the recent weather activity here as the "snow-pocalypse"....

I'm glad this woman got enough cell phone reception from her fallout shelter to call this in. I hope she and her family are still safely in there, because it definitely didn't...stop snowing this morning and the snow plows definitely didn't....clear the roads and put salt on them.

Enjoy your few inches of snow (especially as a conversation piece), Kansas, because it will all melt in a few days when it hits whatever mild winter temperature it usually does.