So a while ago my friends and I (yes, I have friends) went to Applebee's for happy hour (after 9pm, of course). Traditionally, at every Applebee's I have ever been to, during happy hour both the alcoholic beverages and the appetizers are half off. Believe it or not, I have been to "Happlebees" in multiple states.
Well guess what, folks- there was NO half-priced drinks deal during the happy hour at the Applebees in Lawrence, KS. Yes, I know, it makes me outraged too.
So they're not encouraging drinking in a college town, or they're just cheap? Maybe they think they're being "wholesome".
Generally I get krunked on $3 appletinis, but they try to get away with charging me $6. How absurd.
Lawrence Applebees, don't you know we're still in a recession. I need to drink to kill the pain, and I don't have very much money to pay for it. AND I'm a student, so double whammy.
Kansas, you're such a buzz kill.